For Ordering A Copy of a News/Feature Story From WVVH-TV
Follow The Instructions Below
If you were interviewed or appeared in a VVH-TV News/Feature story and would like to obtain a copy of the segment, please follow the directions below:
1. Send a written request to:
P.O. Box 769
Wainscott, New York 11975-0769
Attn: General Manager/News Tape Request
2. The request must include the following or it will not be processed by the station:
a. The date of the broadcast, the news program, the subject matter of the particular story of interest to you, and, if you know, roughly when the story appeared in the program.
b. A statement in the request as follows: "I am requesting a copy of the news broadcast by WVVH-TV described in this request for personal viewing use only. I understand, and agree, that the copy provided by WVVH-TV may not be duplicated, exhibited or licensed for any other purpose, and I agree that WVVH-TV shall not be liable to me in connection with my request for the copy or the contents thereof. The copy shall not be used as evidence in any legal matter or proceeding."
c. Check or Credit Card payable to WVVH-TV in the amount of $40 per DVD.
3. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.
4. WVVH-TV reserves the right to decline to produce any requested copy of its news/feature stories in its sole discretion for any reason. If WVVH-TV declines a copy request, or if the request fails to include the requirements noted above, any check mailed with the request shall be mailed to the requester at the return address provided. Copies of WVVH-TV news stories requested for use in legal proceedings must be obtained by valid service of a subpoena complying with the relevant law.
Thank you for your interest. Keep watching WVVH-TV!